Guarantees for the Young

For the first time, “Il Vittoriale degli Italiani” Foundation supports the Garanzia Giovani Lombardia project and does so through the following projects: Biblioteca d’Annunzio (d’Annunzio Library); Cicerone Digitale (Digital Cicero Guide); Digitalizzazione Archivio Iconografico (Digitalization Iconographic Archive); Giardini d’Autore (d’Auteur Gardens); Io ho quel che ho donato (I Am What I Donated); Notturno d’Autore (d’Auteur Nocturnal).
If you are a young adult between the ages of 15 and 29, living in Italy (EU citizen or extra-EU foreigner with a regular residency permission), presently unemployed and not attending school or training facilities, Garanzia Giovani Lombardia can help you in gaining access to the world of employment by turning into account your skills, training and professional background.

What are you waiting for? Turn your future into account along with us.

Below are the 2016 projects:

d’Annunzio Library Project

Digital Cicero Guide

Digitalization Iconographic Archive

d’Auteur Gardens

I Am What I Donated

d’Auteur Nocturnal

burl (official bulletin Lombardia region) excerpt